<subject> CMLO - Notification

The CMLO (Chess Metaphor Liberation Organisation) was set up to combat the inappropriate use of chess as a metaphor.


- simply because a subject involves thought or tactics doesn't make it "like chess"
- there are few, if any, subjects which can accurately be described as being "just like a game of chess"

[For a long list of examples, visit http://www.pawnpusher.co.uk/cmlo.html ]

---charge sheet--------------

One of our foot-soldiers spotted your use of chess to describe .....{put their subject here}....

The exact quote is/was ....................{change to exact quote, if possible}...................

It appeared on/at ................{location of the offence here - eg. tv programme name, exact web page address etc}..............

{optional - add reason why their use of the metaphor is inappropriate here}


As chess players, we are increasingly frustrated by the mass appropriation of our game for weak and tenuous metaphors. For our peace of mind we ask you to reconsider your use of the metaphor as detailed above.

Thank you for your time & co-operation,

CMLO, Direct Action Wing - "Chess for chess players!"